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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1478
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2023 .16 .6913
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16،
number In Volume 4،
issue Number 86
Analyzing the role of nine heroic poems after the Shahnamehin in spreading moral virtues
Fahimeh Miri , Ali Tasnimi (Author in Charge), Mahyar Alavi Moghadam
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Philosophical and religious systems have always sought to answer the question, how can a person achieve psychological harmony, peace and happiness? Studies indicate that it is impossible to overcome the psychological crises plaguing mankind today and improve his condition without changing his attitude and lifestyle, and in this regard, it is necessary to use of the capacities of various sciences in helping the knowledge of psychology. In between, literature is one of the knowledge that can help to change and modify a person"s point of view due to its wide influence. Epic poems are a suitable option for analysis due to their heroic and mythological values and the high frequency of positive moral characteristics. The present essay, with a mythological approach, tries to find out how the high-frequency virtues influence nine heroic poems after the Shahnameh (Banooghoshaspnameh, Borzoonameh, Bahmannameh, Jahangirnameh, Samnameh, Shahryarnameh, Faramarznameh, Kok -e- Koohzadnameh, and Garshasp-nameh) deals with the attitude and lifestyle of man.
METHODOLOGY: The method of collecting information in this research is a library, and the data analysis is mainly qualitative and sometimes quantitative, and the reasoning method is inductive.
FINDINGS: In the character of the chosen heroes, in the nine heroic poems after the Shahnameh, high frequency of character virtues (wisdom and knowledge, humanity and love, courage, justice, moderation, spirituality) have been observed, in such a way that the character of these heroes is an example of flourish desired by positive psychology, in the present age.
CONCLUSION: The results obtained after measuring the capabilities of these texts in the possibility of increasing the tendency towards improvement and achieving satisfaction indicate that the narratives of these texts with the presence of wrestlers who are the embodiment of mythological gods and other elements Mythology, which originates from the collective unconscious, has the ability to affect the human subconscious mind. Therefore, the mentioned poems, benefiting from the high frequency of personality virtues and the use of archetypes, have potential capacities that require the attention of thinkers who are concerned about mental crises and sufferings resulting from them.
moral virtue
, hero
, archetype
, the myth
, satisfaction
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